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![]() 2nd Missouri Cavalry receives a new Flag in 1864
The following is an old newspaper article from the Mobile Register and Advertiser, in Mobile, AL, submitted by Jim McGhee from Missouri.
+Mobile Register and Advertiser, Mobile, Alabama, March 22, 1864, p. 1, col. 6
Flag Presentation to the 2d Missouri Cavalry
Columbus, [Mississippi] March 5, 1864
Editors of News: At the request of our citizens, and the ladies in particular, I enclose for your publication the correspondence concerning the presentation of a new flag to the time-worn veterans of the 2d Missouri Regiment of Cavalry, now with Gen. Forrest, who took a conspicuous part in the last battle from Okalona to near Pontotoc.
Such heroes deserve, and will have a niche in the temple of Fame when the war is over, and their commander's eloquent response deserves a place in the public journals, that this, our only record, may be properly appreciated.
J. B.
Columbus, Miss., Feb. 29 [1864]
Capt. Thompson: Accept, as a feeble testimonial of our high appreciation of the patriotism and heroism of the 2d Missouri regiment, this simple flag. It is, we know, unworthy of the gallant command to which we offer it, but the brief notice upon which it has been prepared is our apology for its simplicity.
Accept it as a substitute for the blood-stained banner under which your gallant comrades have so gloriously defended our liberties and our homes. Like the white plume of Henry of Navarre, we know it will be seen ever waving in the thickest of the fight, and be followed on to "victory or death."
Pattie Askew, Annie Fort
[P.S.] Will you not return to us the old flag, that we may preserve it in remembrance of our brave Missouri troops?
Columbus, Miss., Feb. 29th [1864]
Ladies: Accept through me, the thanks of the Missouri regiment for the beautiful flag presented this morning, and rest assured we will treasure it, and be ready to follow it as we have ever been to sustain the old one.
If left to my option, I would readily comply with your request, and leave the old flag in your possession, feeling that it would, perhaps, in your hands, be safer than in ours, but as it is a regimental flag, I shall be compelled to take it back with me. I will, however, send your letter to the regiment, and should they decide to return it to you, I feel that it will be in the hands of friends.
John S. Thompson
Captain, Co. B, 2d Missouri Vols.
Headquarters 2d Missouri Cavalry
Starksville, Miss., March 2, 1864
Miss Annie Fort and Pattie Askew
Ladies: I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a beautiful flag from your hands, and to thank you for myself and the gallant 2d Missouri, for the complimentary terms by which it is accompanied.
We are soldiers of too much experience to value it less because of any deficiency of gold lace or embroidery. Its simplicity is to us symbolical of our country's sorrows; and believe me, under it, as the emblem of our cause, and the token of the high esteem which you hold us, every soldier of the 2d Missouri will do his duty.
Accept, Ladies, with our thanks, the old flag of the Regiment, under which many of our truest patriots have fallen. We know we couldn't make a more appropriate disposition of that sacred relic than by committing it into the hands of the noble ladies of our land, who in a great degree inspired the valor which enabled us to preserve its honor. Time was, ladies, when such a tribute would have called forth a more eloquent acknowledgment, but the rust with which three long years of soldier life has encrusted our literature, must plead for the deficiencies of this. We will write it in a more pleasing manner to you with the points of our swords on the breasts (or backs) of our foes, whenever an opportunity presents, and with this promise, and thanking you again and again for your noble present, myself and regiment have the honor to remain your obedient servants.
R. A. McCulloch
Lieut. - Colonel Comnd'g
2d Mo. Cavalry
Note: Rumor has it that sometime in the 1880's the original 2nd Missouri Cavalry Battleflag came back to Colonel Robert (Black Bob) McCulloch and he was going to put it in the St. Louis, Mo Southern Historical Society for safe keeping. This Society no longer exist as far as I know. Would anyone happen to know what became of the many treasures this society may have had in its holdings, specifically the 2nd Missouri Cavalry Battleflag? If you have a lead please go to the <This link's target cannot be found> page and e-mail the webmaster.
E-mail received about the seamstresses that made the Battleflag for the 2nd Mo Cav
Date:Mon, 29 Mar 2004 13:05:56 -0600 To:the2ndmocav From:"Laurier McDonald"
Subject:Pattie Askew & Annie Fort - the making of presenting of the 2nd Flag:
Dear Cavalrymen of the 2nd Missouri Cavalry, CSA:
Your website is magnificent! Also, I am pleased to be able to furnish an added tidbit of information concerning the 1864 hand-sewed flag of the 2nd Missouri Cavalry, CSA. Pattie Askew and Annie Fort, the very attractive seamstresses of the 2nd MO flag in 1864, were next door neighbors, residing in Columbus, Lowndes Co., MS. Both of the girls were single and about 22 years old when they made the flag. Actually, Ann Fort was a few months older. Pattie remained single at least until sometime after 1870. In fact, she - like so many of girls her age - may have remained single for the rest of her life as a result of the invasion by Lincoln's army in 1861. The suitable bachelors had been killed off. There is some indication that she was still alive and single in 1913, when a special reception was held for her - or someone from Columbus, MS bearing her name - in Atlanta, GA. From the articles appearing in the Atlanta Constitution newspapers, it appeared to be 70-year-old Pattie Askew...the "Betsy Ross" of the 2nd Missouri Cavalry, CSA flag! Patties' cohort in the flag making business was Ann Fort, who enjoyed distant kinship to that close friend and admirer of the orphaned cavalrymen of the 2nd MO. - the famous or infamous Captain DeWitt Clinton "Clubfoot" Fort, of Fort Scouts, CSA. As we know, Captain Fort and his Forts' Scouts, CSA were amalgamated into Company "G" of the 2nd MO Cavalry, CSA on detached duty during the closing weeks of the war.
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