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![]() Playing in the background is "Missouri, Bright Land of the West"
The MIDI file of "Missouri, Bright Land of the West" is used by permission of Benjamin Tubb
from his web site at Public Domain Music http://www.pdmusic.org/
Words to the song "Missouri Bright Land of the West "
![]() For those southrons (and Yankees) that still believe there was only 11 Confederate states (I used to believe it also) because of the Yankee education in the government indoctrination centers, that most of us have received at one time or another in our lives, here is a reference right out of an official U.S. government publication. The Official Records of the War of Rebellion, printed by the U.S. governement by an act of congress. I guess the only person that never believed any state seceeded was Lincoln? Also for the non believers, remember that the Missouri Congressman and Senators also voted in the chambers, and passed laws and authorized spending money and taxes etc. With all that power they better have been part of the Confederate States of America.
Here's some of the reasoning that folks have used to say that Missouri was not part of the CSA.
1. The Missouri legislature was not in Jeff City when the Yankees came to town to arrest them like they did in Maryland. So they proclaimed all the seats vacant and claimed their titles to govern the once free people of Missouri without a vote. If I remember my history correctly they didn't have a state wide vote until the war was almost over and you couldn't vote unless you were a real Yankee at heart.
2. There was not a quorum. That is a little better than the excuse above. But nobody seems to be able to prove there wasn't. I was reading something about the NPS at Wilson's Creek may have found the so called missing quorum. One of the Missouri legislatures even had something (in his diary) about they had to wait for the vote until more members showed up for it, and they eventually showed and voted for secession. You may note that the House did not pass the ordinance until 2 days after the senate. The people couldn't vote because the Yankees wouldn't allow them to. Even though the US constitution guarentees each state a republican form of government.
3. The Missouri Rebels lied about having a quorum. We are talking about 140 years ago when this nation had men of honor filling public office, when it was an honor and priviledge to serve the people, unless you were in the republican party back then. They had statesmen not politicians like we have now days. I would tend to believe if there where any liars about this it would be the radical republicans that were the liars, they lied about everything else and broke the most sacred document in our countries history, the constitution. Which by the way, was not written to protect any special interest group or big business. It was written to protect each individuals liberty!
4. Or you could just say that Missouri was Confederate by choice and Union by force!
Well anyway here is the Act that made Missouri the 12th Confederate State.
O.R.Series 4, Volume 1, page 757
AN ACT to admit the State of Missouri into the Confederacy as a member of the Confederate States
of America.
The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact, That the State of Missouri be, and is hereby, admitted as a member of the Confederate States of America, upon an equal footing with the other States of the Confederacy, under the Constitution of the Provisional Government of the same.
Approved November 28, 1861.
Ordinance of Secession
AN Act declaring the political ties heretofore existing between the State of Missouri and the United States of America dissolved.
WHEREAS, the Government of the United States, in possession and under control of the sectional party, has wantonly violated the compact originally made between said government and the State of Missouri, by invading with hostile armies the soil of the State, attacking and making prisoners the militia whilst legally assembled under the State laws, forcibly occupying the State capital, and attempting, through the instrumentality of domestic traitors, to usurp the State government, seizing and destroying private property, and murdering with fiendish malignity peaceable citizens, men, women, and children, together with other acts of atrocity, indicating a deep settled hostility toward the people of Missouri and their institutions; and
WHEREAS, the present administration of the government of the United States has utterly ignored the Constitution, subverted the government as constructed and intended by its makers, and established a despotic and arbitrary power instead thereof, Now, therefore,
Be it enacted by the general assembly of the State of Missouri, as follows:
That all political ties of every character now existing between the government of the United States of America and the people and government of the State of Missouri, are hereby dissolved, and the State of Missouri, resuming the sovereignty granted by compact to the United States upon admission of said State into the Federal Union, does again take its place as a free and independent republic amongst the nations of the earth.
This act to take effect and be in force from and after its passage.
Passed by the Senate, Oct 28, 1861
Passed by the House, Oct 30, 1861
Signed by Governor Claiborne Fox Jackson, Oct 31, 1861
Confederate Congress admits Missouri as the 12th state of the Confederacy, Nov 28, 1861.
Note: This Ordinance of Secession was enacted by the legally elected representatives of the State of Missouri, not the illegal, unconstitutional, non-elected, puppet government that Lincoln had installed.
And for those of you who insist that the war was over slavery, it is not mentioned in any of the documents on this page. Also it was not a civil war. A civil war is when a faction tries to overthrow the government. The south just wanted to be left alone. The Confederate States of America was invaded by the United States of America and had every right under international law to defend it's states, borders, territories and forts, etc., that were in its boundries. Lincoln had already put troops in Florida before Fort Sumter was fired on. The U.S.S. Powhatan landed US sailors and troops at Fort Pickens on Santa Rosa Island in Florida and sent numerous ships with troops, artillery and supplies down there for reenforcements. It's all in the Official Records. It was all being planned and executed for several months prior to the firing on Sumter.
I am no lawyer, but I think that the following is an alliance or treaty with Missouri.
Preamble in regards to the State of Missouri by the Confederate Congress
Admitted August 20, 1861, as a member of the Confederate States of America, by an act of the Provisional Congress, third session.
Whereas, The people of the State of Missouri have been prevented, by the unconstitutional interference of the Government of the United States, from expressing their will, through their legally constituted authorities, in regard to a union with the Confederate States of America, and are now engaged in repelling a lawless invasion of their territory by armed forces; and,
Whereas, It is the right and duty of the Confederate States to aid the people and government of the said State in resisting such invasion, and in securing the means and the opportunity of expressing their will upon all questions affecting their rights and liberties; now,
Therefore, The Congress of the Confederate States of America do enact that the President of the Confederate States of America be, and he is hereby, authorized to cooperate, through the military power of this Government, with the authorities and the people of the State of Missouri in defending that State against a lawless invasion by the United States, and in maintaining the liberty and independence of her people; and that he be authorized and empowered, at his discretion, to receive and muster into the service of the Confederate States, in the State of Missouri, such troops of that State as may volunteer to serve in the army of the Confederate States, subject to the rules and regulations of said army, and in accordance with the laws of Congress; and said troops may be received into service by companies, battalions or regiments, with their officers elected by the troops, and the officers so elected shall be commissioned by the President, and when mustered into service of said companies, battalions, or regiments may be attached to such brigades or divisions as the President may determine; and the President shall have power to appoint field officers for all battalions and regiments organized out of separate companies mustered into service, and to add to battalions a sufficient number of separate companies to complete their organization into regiments, and to appoint additional field officers necessary for the complete organization of the regiments formed; and all vacancies that may occur among the commissioned officers, of troops mustered into service under this act, shall be filled in the manner provided in the act entitled "An act for the establishment and organization of the army of the Confederate States of America," approved the 6th day of March, eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
SECTION 2. That the State of Missouri shall be admitted a member of the Confederate States of America upon an equal footing with the other States, under the constitution for the Provisional Government of the same, upon the condition that the said constitution for the Provisional Government of the Confederate States shall be adopted and ratified by the properly and legally constituted authorities of the said State, and the Governor of said State shall transmit to the President of the Confederate States an authentic copy of the proceedings touching said adoption and ratification by said State of said Provisional Constitution; upon the receipt whereof, the President, by proclamation, shall announce the fact; whereupon, and without any further proceedings upon the part of Congress, the admission of said State of Missouri into this Confederacy, under said constitution for the Provisional Government of the Confederate States, shall be considered as complete, and the laws of this Confederacy shall be thereby extended over said State of Missouri as fully and completely as over other States now composing the same.
SECTION 3. That the Congress of the Confederate States recognize the government of which Claiborne F. Jackson is the chief magistrate, to be the legally elected and regularly constituted government of the people and the State of Missouri, and that the President of the Confederate States be, and he is hereby, empowered, at his discretion, at any time prior to the admission of the said State as a member of this Confederacy, to perfect and proclaim an alliance, offensive and defensive, with the said Government, limited to the period of the existing war between this Confederacy and the United States, the said treaty or alliance to be in force from the date thereof, and until the same shall be disaffirmed or rejected by this Congress.
Approved August 20, 1861
![]() by Harry McCarthy
Missouri! Missouri! bright land of the west!
Where the way worn emigrant always found rest,
Who gave to the farmer reward for his toil,
Expended in turning and breaking the soil
Awake to the notes of the bugle and drum,
Awake from your slumber the tyrant hath come!
And swear by your honor your chains shall be riven,
And add your bright star to our flag of eleven.
They fore'd you to join in their unholy fight,
With fire and with sword, with pow'r and with might,
'Gainst father, and brother, and lov'd ones so near,
'Gainst women, and children, and all you hold dear;
They've o'errun soil, insulted your press,
They've murder'd your citizens---shown no redress---
So swear by your honor your chains shall be riven,
And add your bright star to our flag of eleven.
Missouri! Missouri! oh! where thy proud fame?
Free land of the west, thy once cherish'd name,
Now trod in the dust by a despot's command,
Proclaiming his own tyrant law o'er the land;
Brave men of Missouri strike without fear,
McCulloch, and Jackson, and Price are all near.
Then swear by your honor your chains shall be riven,
And add your bright star to our flag of eleven.
![]() Copyright © 2001-2008, 2nd Missouri Cavalry C.S.A. All rights reserved.
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